FREE Golf Insurance for All Members

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Posted by: RachelHenson
Posted on: 25/08/2015

Before we even try and make The Nottinghamshire the best golfing experience available, our primary concern is the safety and care of our membership. To this end, we are concerned that many don’t carry golfing insurance, so we have decided to provide unilateral insurance across the club, free of charge.

This offer means that from September 1st 2015 every Member of The Nottinghamshire Golf & Country Club will be insured to play golf and there will be no cost to the Member as the club are providing this as a complimentary benefit.

As a valued Member we are providing this for you as we want you to have the best experience, facilities and care when playing Golf at our Club.  We have teamed up with Carrick Neill who are a renowned golf insurer in Scotland and they will provide full details about the policy to the office and provide a summary card for each Member which will be distributed to you by the club in due course.

Key benefits include:

  • Up to £5 million plus costs and expenses Personal Liability Insurance  for accidental injury to another person or third party property whilst playing here or at another Club temporarily.
  • Up to £10,000 Accidental Damage to Third Party Property irrespective of legal liability whilst playing at The Nottinghamshire.
  • Up to £15,000 Personal Accident Benefit if ,after an accident, a Member suffers  the loss of a limb, sight, death or becomes permanently disabled whilst playing at The Nottinghamshire.
  • A benefit of £75 will be paid for a hole in one achieved in an official medal or stableford competition whilst playing at The Nottinghamshire.
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