How to Set the Perfect Wedding Date for Your Nottingham Wedding

Set a perfect wedding date
Posted by: RachelHenson
Posted on: 23/08/2023

“When is the wedding?” is usually the first question that friends and family ask you as soon as you announce your engagement.

But while you’re trying to enjoy your engagement bubble, trying to pick a date that works for everyone can be a bit of a nightmare!

Choosing a date that both you and your partner agree on while also keeping important family members and close friends happy can be one of the most challenging parts of the wedding planning process.

The pressure to make sure you include everyone you love and keep them happy can be quite overwhelming.

But don’t panic! We’re here to help before the anxiety takes over.

Below, we’ll look at some important factors to consider when choosing the perfect wedding date for your Nottingham wedding.

Set a perfect wedding date

How to set a wedding date

We recommend starting with a schedule, outlining how much time you need to plan your wedding and work your dates around it. From our own experience and reports, the average engagement lasts approximately 12-18 months, so it’s time to get planning.

Working with your chosen venue

Some say that there is no such thing as a perfect wedding date, and in some instances, this is true – especially when finding the perfect venue comes into play.

For example, your wedding date will often be determined by your chosen venue’s availability; especially if you have your heart set on a particular place or location.

Once you’ve found the perfect wedding venue in Nottingham, speak to your wedding planner about availability and reserve your dates as soon as possible. The more flexible you are, the easier it can make the planning process.

Knowing your budget

Budgets can play a big role in your decision-making, so it’s vital to have this outlined and understood from the start. This will help you to determine whether to look at peak or off-peak wedding season prices (we recommend asking if prices change at certain times of the day).

Thinking about seasons

Winter weddings – between December and March

Winter weddings typically occur between December and March, and can be beautifully unique and special. There’s also a chance of off-peak pricing during these months, making it a great season for intimate and large celebrations alike.

Spring weddings – between March and June

Spring is a popular month for a wedding, as we see longer days, fresh buds on trees, beautiful pastel colours, and higher chances of good weather for those all-important outdoor pictures.

Outdoor weddings are always a popular choice at this time of year!

Summer weddings – from June to September

This season can offer happy couples beautiful weather and, as you approach the holiday season, more people have time off from work and school.

However, competition for summer wedding dates can be fierce; hence venues are always booked out years in advance. This is where weekday weddings have grown in popularity and fast become the summer wedding compromise.

Autumn weddings – September through to December

In Autumn, the temperature cools, the foliage changes to beautiful autumnal colours, you can introduce seasonal foods (which always go down a treat), and the weather is still pleasant enough for outdoor weddings.

Do you have a particular date in mind?

Do you have a special date in mind, such as an anniversary or celebration of someone close to you? Or are you completely flexible?

Dates can often be very symbolic to a couple, providing extra meaning and romance to your special day.

When you look to pick a wedding date, there’s also tradition and folklore to consider – if you’re so inclined.

For example:

  • The 7th and 11th are lucky in American culture. The 8th is seen as lucky in Chinese cultures as it sounds similar to wealth.
  • The 1st of any month symbolises unity and new beginnings, and the 2nd reflects partnership.
  • Ancient Egyptians believe that the 4th is a symbol of power and protection, whereas the Greeks believe marriage during a full moon brings people prosperity and happiness.
  • The 5th of any month is about adventure and energy, and Friday the 13th is always a fun date for couples who don’t mind a little superstition!

However, being set on a particular date can also limit your choice of venues, so it may be worth going in with an open mind.

What else is happening around the time of your wedding?

When looking to choose a wedding date, it’s essential to research other local events that may be happening at the same time.

For example; you’ll ideally want to avoid clashing with a major sporting event if your guests will need hotel accommodation, as prices may be higher as a result.

Your chosen wedding venue will be able to help you with this information and provide details of key dates to be aware of.

The perfect date at the perfect wedding venue in Nottingham

At The Nottinghamshire, every date is the perfect day for a Nottingham wedding. We strive to make the day the most magical memory for the happy couple.

Contact us or download our brochure to find out how we can help you choose a wedding date to suit your requirements. With the perfect venue and preferred season decided, the team at The Nottinghamshire will make sure the rest will fall into place.

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